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House Watch

Seminole County residents who are going on vacation may sign up for this free service that provides a daily check of their property by a Sheriff’s personnel while you’re away.

What is House Watch?
This program is designed to help residents add an extra layer of security to their home when you’re out of town or on vacation. Upon request, deputies will visit a home to check on the home, driving by to look for anything that might be unusual, and walking around the property to ensure it is secured.

How do I sign up?
Contact the Seminole County Sheriff's Office at 407-665-6650 or submit a request through on our online reporting portal to request a House Watch. A deputy will be dispatched to your residence to meet with you.

During the visit, the deputy will ensure the person requesting the House Watch has legitimate standing in the house to do so, and will obtain additional information about the property (i.e. what cars should be there, who is authorized to be in the home in your absence, etc.). The House Watch will be conducted and will automatically end on the return date listed on the form. If you return home early, it is incumbent upon you to contact the Sheriff’s Office to advise this information.

What if I forget to request this until I’ve already left town?
If a resident calls to request a House Watch after they have left town, or if they are unable to complete the form and verify residence and identity, the Sheriff’s Office will perform a normal, documented area patrol around the residence, but we will NOT pull on any door handles, enter screen enclosures, etc. without the form and waiver being signed.

2025 Accreditation Logos  ~Rick


Accessibility Statement

Seminole County Sheriff's Office
100 Eslinger Way
Sanford, Florida 32773
Phone: (407) 665-6650